The Advent Christian General Conference sets aside one Sunday each year to highlight the ministry of the Institute. This year, on October 27, 2019, we’re asking churches to consider using this opportunity to share about the impact of BICS and to consider partnering with us in our efforts to disciple young adults.
Here’s how you can participate:
* Use the Bulletin Insert and the Presentation Graphic available for download on our website. You can also request printed copies of the bulletin insert to be mailed to you by filling out the form here.
* Highlight the ministry and impact of BICS. Take 3 minutes during your worship service to share about the impact of BICS on the life of the Advent Christian denomination over the past three decades. If you have an alumnus in your church, considering having them share a brief testimony.
* Encourage students and parents of high school students to consider the BICS experience beyond high school. Our website contains a lot of helpful information, including the details of Experience Day on April 19-20, 2020.
* Collect a special offering for BICS. The Institute depends heavily on the support of individuals and churches who believe in our mission. A special offering would be a blessing to our efforts. You could also choose to designate the offering to go toward our DiscipleBuilder Scholarship Fund, and it would be applied to students in the Class of 2020 based on financial need.
* Consider including financial support for BICS in your church budget. Now is a great time to remember BICS when putting together your church’s annual budget. We would be greatly encouraged if we could count on your support annually.