The details below are for the 2025 Turkey/Greece tour. Additional information will be forthcoming. To sign up to travel with us in the future, click here.

Bible Lands Tour Preparation & Resources

This is what the LORD says: "Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls."
Jeremiah 6:16

2025 Tour Price and Payment Schedule

$ 5,495 base price per traveler (assuming double occupancy)
  • Registration Deposit - $500 due upon registration
  • Initial Payment - 50% of balance due September 19
  • Final Payment - Remaining balance due December 19

Frequently Asked Questions


In order to be valid, your passport cannot expire within 6 months after of our return to the US. 

For example, if our return is March 30, the expiration date cannot be any earlier than September 30 of that same year.

Also, Passports must be signed in the space provided.

Ordinarily, this is left to each traveler’s discretion. However, we recommend that you consider obtaining insurance coverage that would offer coverage in the event of a trip delay/interruption or in the event of any unexpected medical attention.

As with any insurance there are different plans based on individual needs (preexisting medical conditions, health concerns of extended family which may require someone to leave the trip early, etc.). Generally, it’s relatively inexpensive to purchase insurance that covers you for various events that may occur while traveling (lost bags, medical emergency, trip delay, etc.). The greater cost comes when you add coverage for trip cancellation (i.e. being refunded in the event that you cannot travel for a covered reason).

Signature Tours recommends the use of Trawick International (more information can be found at

We will average 3-6 miles of walking each day (not all at once – off and on the bus) so it is important to begin to walk/exercise regularly.

Please consult with your doctor if you have any medical issues that might be a concern on the trip. No specific immunizations are required but check with your physician.

BICS will provide an in-house resource called the Travel Guide. This year-specific resources includes a Quick Reference Guide for Biblical Sites & Places which will give a brief synopsis of each site with the accompanying Scripture, as well as a glossary. This booklet also includes song lyrics for the singing we’ll do during the trip and plenty of space for notetaking and journaling.

Yes, participants must be at least 16 years old at the time of travel and must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or approved chaperone. This age requirement ensures that all participants can fully engage with the nature of our study tour and the physically demanding itinerary.

Packing & Travel

The temperature can vary in Turkey and Greece anywhere from 40º F – 80º F while we are there, depending on both the weather and the location. There could be rain or sun (or even snow in the higher elevations) so it is important to pack for the potential for all of those. We strongly suggest dressing in layers.

BICS has historically adopted a policy of modesty in an attempt to be respectful of the various religious traditions we encounter. We ask that women and men do not wear sleeveless shirts while touring, and that women maintain a modest neckline. We do not recommend shorts for touring days and you likely won’t need them anyway.

Generally BICS likes to dress a little nicer for the evening meal in the hotel, and you will notice those recommendations for both men and women in the Packing List.

If you need to do laundry you can either wash clothes in the tub of your room (bring powdered soap) or pay to have them laundered which can be pricey. In either scenario, you will need to coordinate this at a hotel where we will be for more than one night. 

For most small electronic devices (phones, tablets, etc.), travelers will only need an adapter which will be provided for you by Signature Tours prior to departure. 

Some devices (e.g. curling irons, CPAP machines, etc.) will also need a converter, which can be purchased at Walmart, Target, Amazon, etc. 

For more details, check out the following information by country:



We highly recommend the use of a sturdy, rollable suitcase.

Please refer to the baggage limitations found at 

Due to limited space on the bus and the fact that portaging tips are calculated on one bag per person, BICS Bible Lands Travelers are restricted to one checked bag.

SUITCASE: As per Turkish Airline regulations, Suitcases should be no more than 23 kg (50 lbs.) and no more than 158 linear cm (approx. 62 linear inches – width X + height Y + depth Z). Note: Overweight or oversized luggage will incur an additional $200.00+ so be sure to weigh and measure your luggage at home before you travel. As an extra precaution, it is recommended to place a piece of paper with your name and contact information inside your suitcase in the event that your luggage gets lost.

CARRY-ON: As per Turkish Airline regulations, you are allowed one carry-on weighing no more than 8 kg (roughly 17.5 lbs.) and up to: 55 cm (21.5 inches) in length, up to 40cm (15.75 inches) in width, and 23 cm (9 inches) in depth. 

BICS recommends that travelers plan to carry on a backpack which can be used each day of touring instead of a small suitcase to hold things such as your Bible, water bottles, snacks, medicine, hand sanitizer, wipes, rain gear, sunscreen, etc.

Please be aware of the TSA restrictions listed on the website before you board the plane (liquid, sharp items, etc.) as they will be checked. If you choose to bring a carry-on, you will be responsible for its portage to and from the hotel as this will not be covered in the tips for our checked baggage.

It is very important to keep this on you while touring during the day and probably anytime you leave your hotel room. Signature Tours will provide each traveler with a Passport holder that can be worn around the neck. This is also a good place to keep your credit cards (should you choose to bring any) as well as larger bills.

The flight to Turkey is a non-stop flight to Istanbul. The flight from Boston to Istanbul is approximately 9 hours and 20 minutes.

There is an additional domestic flight on the second day of the trip from Istanbul to Antalya that is about an hour.

The return flight takes us from Athens to Istanbul and then Istanbul to Boston. 

While traveling through airports, please stay within sight distance of your leaders when passing through check points and boarding.  Do not go on ahead or take excursions behind so that we will know where you are.  We must know when our group is intact or if some member may need assistance.  If you must leave the group, please let us know.

Jet lag will make you feel tired at the wrong times of the day. The best way to beat it is to adopt the new sleep schedule immediately.  If you nap during the day and/or go to bed early at night you are very likely to wake up about 3:00 a.m. with insomnia. 

Safety, Health, & Food

BICS has been traveling to the Bible Lands for over 35 years and we have always felt safe. As always, our guide will be well-trained and highly competent and will be in regular communication with his/her office regarding our group’s safety.

Plan to wash your hands frequently and also to use liquid hand sanitizer – especially before handling anything that you will eat. If minor stomach issues arise, Imodium or Pepto Bismol generally remedy the issue.

Further, it is important to remain hydrated while traveling. Bottles of water will be available each morning. We do not recommend bringing a water bottle because it can be difficult to keep it clean/sanitary.

The water at the hotels is generally safe to drink, but we recommend drinking bottled water.

The food at the hotels is generally geared toward Westerners. This is especially true in Greece. A typical breakfast buffet will generally include eggs, salads, yogurt, bread/rolls, cereal, fruit, coffee, juice, etc. At dinner (sometimes plated, sometimes a buffet) you might encounter chicken, meatballs, lamb, beef, soup, potatoes, French Fries, fish, fruits, salads, and of course, desserts. Please be mindful that we are not allowed to take food from the dining rooms, but you may help yourself to as many helpings as you like.

Breakfast and dinner (and tips) are included in the tour price.  In addition, in 2025 there are 7 lunches that are included! You will only be responsible for the remaining lunches on the tour.

Typical lunch choices include kebabs, shawarma, and other local cuisine, and sometimes more western food like hamburgers, pizza, etc. The prices are approximately $15-$20 each with a drink (soda).

We do not recommend bringing water bottles due to the difficulty of properly cleaning/sanitizing them with daily use. Our recommendation is to purchase bottles of water which are available daily for $1.00.

Following the European custom, beverages in hotel dining rooms other than fruit juices and coffee or tea at breakfast are served by special order. Payment is made directly to the waiter.

Daily Schedule

Generally, the morning goes like this: Wake-up call at 6:00 am, breakfast in the dining hall at 7:00 am, Group Devotions at 7:30 am, be on the bus by 7:55 am for an 8:00 am departure. While we will generally follow the printed itinerary, there might be times that we will be unable to visit a particular site for some reason. We will stop around lunchtime for a bite to eat and then resume touring until approximately 5:00-6:00 pm. It can make for a long day, but we want you to see everything you can in the short time we have in these places. Upon arrival back to the hotel there will be time to get cleaned and make it down for dinner in the dining hall. For both breakfasts and dinners, our group will generally be seated together in a specified area.

Guides are generally expert and efficient, but they may function well only when given respect and courtesy. This means staying near the guide and giving your attention whenever he is addressing the group. The guide may not speak if he feels he does not have your attention. He may wait or stop his lecture prematurely. When on a walking tour or moving from bus to viewpoint, please try to stay with the guide. He will give opportunity for pictures and for looking around. If you are having difficulty keeping pace, let us know. We will adjust.

Rest stops will be provided at intervals as well as opportunity for shopping. Please be prompt in assembling or returning to the bus at stated times.

It’s very important to make use of restrooms when we stop and when our guide suggests we do so. We don’t always know when the next bathroom stop will be, so better to be prepared.

We have group meetings scheduled for both of the Sundays of the trip as well as one on the night before we head home to share together in song and testimony. These meetings will be held after dinner and will happen in a designated room at the hotel.

Many of the hotels have pools/spas and exercise rooms (and in some cases entertainment) which you are free to access during the evenings. There may be at least one time when we go out of the hotel in the evening as a group to purchase souvenirs, get ice cream, etc.. This excursion is of course optional but recommended. 

Spending Money & Souvenirs

Breakfast and dinner (and tips) are included in the tour price, along with 7 lunches, but each traveler will be responsible to purchase lunch on the remaining days of the tour. Our guide will bring us to a restaurant or a place with several options.  The prices are approximately $15-$20 each with a drink (soda). You can also bring your own snacks to supplement lunch.

In addition to lunches and water each day, there will be opportunities to purchase snacks while touring. Ice cream bars generally cost between $3.00 – 5.00 each. We generally recommend that you have at least $300 for meals/water/snacks ($20/day), and additional money for souvenirs if you wish. You can also use credit cards in many places. 

The most accepted currency in Turkey is Turkish Lira, but some places also take Euros and USD. We’ll have an opportunity to convert USD to Lira on the first touring day.

In Greece, most places only accepting Euros, and we may not have an opportunity to convert currency right away. We recommend bringing some Euro with you (suggested amount is 100 €). 

Credit Cards can easily be used at an increasing number of places, so we now recommend bringing a credit card. Some credit cards/debit cards can also be used to get local currency from ATM’s (but check with your bank about fees).  We’ve found that American Express (AMEX) is the least commonly accepted credit card.

If you do decide to bring a card, it is important to notify their customer service that you will be traveling. It is recommended to have your credit card information (the number of the card, the 3-digit number, the date that it is valid through, and the international customer telephone number to call) in a separate place from the actual card, so that if it should get stolen you will be able to report it immediately.

There will be limited opportunities to purchase souvenirs throughout the trip which can range in price from inexpensive to costly. For large purchases, you may want to use a credit card.

In the Middle East it is customary to bargain with vendors in the bazaars and some shops. Our guide can inform us of exceptions. Discourage vendors when moving with the group by being firmly negative (if you don’t say no, or if you allow a vendor to place something in your hands, their expectation is that you will buy it). When bargaining, start about one-third to one-half the announced price. Make several offers, if necessary, until you reach a sale or your maximum price. Never tell the vendor in advance what you can afford or are willing to pay (he often will ask). You can often clinch the sale by appearing disinterested or starting to walk away. Vendors have been known to chase the purchaser down the street to accept the prior offer!

On one or two occasions a group photo may be taken with official permission by a free-lance photographer and prints offered at a modest price. Such pictures are recommended. It may be difficult to assemble the group otherwise to accommodate individuals for pictures. If you have a special time or place in mind for a group picture, let one of us know.


Each hotel is equipped with free Wi-Fi which will allow you to Facetime or communicate by e-mail with family and friends back in the U.S. If you want to use your cell phone, please contact your carrier for International plans/rates. There is often Wifi available on the bus, but it’s rather spotty. Some travelers purchase an International plan for their cell phones in order to make calls/send texts/use data.

Prior to departure, we’ll establish a group in a communication app called GroupMe. We recommend downloading it to your phone and creating an account now. This app is very important as it gives a way to communicate with the group via WiFi.

One of the best apps to use to communicative with loved ones back home (and what is commonly used for local communication by our guide and others we’ll encounter) is WhatsApp

Turkey is 7 hours ahead of the Eastern time zone when we were in Daylight Savings time (which begins before our trip).

Greece is also 7 hours ahead of the Eastern time zone; however, their Daylight Savings Time adjustment is later than the US (the last Sunday in March). So, the beginning of our time in Greece will be a 6 hour time difference from the US and then will adjust while we’re there and will again be 7 hours. 

Itinerary & Resources

Please feel free to share this with loved ones and friends.


2025 Flight Information:

All flights are via Turkish Airlines with flight numbers in parentheses


⇑ Depart Wed, Mar 19 from Boston (TK82) at 2100

⇓ Arrive in Istanbul Thur, Mar 20 at 1320 


⇑ Depart Fri, Mar 21 from Istanbul (TK2248) at 1945

⇓ Arrive in Antalya at 2105


⇑ Depart Athens Wed, Apr 2 (TK1844) at 1030

⇓ Arrive in Istanbul at 1205

⇑ Depart Istanbul (TK81) at 1615

⇓ Arrive in Boston at 1955  


2025 Hotel Information:

  • ISTANBUL: Sheraton Atkoy (1 night)
  • ANTALYA: Ramada Plaza Hotel (2 nights)
  • PAMUKKALE: Doga Thermal Hotel (2 nights)
  • IZMIR: Hyatt Regency (2 nights)
  • CANAKKALE: Kolin Hotel (1 night)
  • KAVALA: Lucy Hotel (1 night)
  • THESSALONIKI: Grand Palace (1 night)
  • KALAMBAKA: Grand Meteora (1 night)
  • ATHENS: Divani Palace (2 nights)


Every traveler will receive the 2025 Travel Guide created especially for the BICS Bible Lands Tour. This is a keepsake book containing maps, a reference guide to biblical sites and places, song lyrics, daily devotions, and more.

The Travel Guide is available for download here  and will be distributed prior to departure.


The 2025 packing list is available for download here. The 2025 Packing List for Turkey will be available soon. Additional questions may be answered in the FAQs to the left. 


Embark on an immersive, online journey through the sites of the Bible with Wayne Stiles and Walking the Bible Lands. Enjoy a more vibrant relationship with God and deepen your understanding of God’s Word by experiencing the Holy Land. 

BICS makes this incredible resource available to its travelers via a free one-year subscription – a $200+ value! 

Rev. Michael Tuttle

Mike Tuttle is the Vice President of Student Development at BICS and Minister of Family Life at Hope Church in Lenox, MA. He is an experienced Bible Lands traveler, having hosted/co-hosted the Seminar close to twenty-five times. He has participated in archaeological digs at Khirbet al-Maqatir (biblical Ai on the West Bank) and biblical Shiloh - both in Israel. His Bible Lands travel has also included four trips to Turkey and two trips to Greece.

At BICS, Mike is the instructor of the Bible Lands Seminar. He holds the MAR in Biblical Counseling from Liberty University. For our tour, Pastor Mike will lead the group and provide many insights along the way.
Tour Host

Mr. Steve Ross

Steve Ross is retired from his position as administrator at Albany Medical Center; in addition, he is a faculty member at BICS and serves as an elder at Hope Church in Lenox, MA. Steve holds the B.A. in Theology from Berkshire Christian College and the MSW degree from SUNY-Albany.

Steve is an experienced traveler in Israel and has traveled to Turkey and Greece. He will lead the devotional/worship component of the tour.

Rev. Andy Rice

Andy Rice is the President of the Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies, a position he has held since 2018. After graduating from BICS in 2003, he earned a B.S. in Bible from Lancaster Bible College before going on to earn two M.A. degrees in New Testament and Theology at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He also served as a pastor for nine years in Melrose, Massachusetts.

Andy has traveled to Israel 3 times and to Turkey and Greece twice. In addition to some behind-the-scenes preparation and logistics, Andy will coordinate the Scripture reading component of the tour and share some insights along the way.